Wednesday 30 March 2011


Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated on 17 March around the world. This year, Secciones Europeas 2nd Year students wrote some blessings following an old Irish tradition. May your life be happier after reading them!!

May you enjoy every minute
you have,
before the problems
come back

May you relax
on the beach
before the
summer storm

María García-Serrano and Andrea Medina

May you spend half an hour
enjoying computer games
before studying for your exams

Carlos Gómez

May you find a shamrock
behind a rock.
May you be unlucky
and lose your keys.

David Díaz-Regañón

May you find your own pot of gold
May your team be lucky
May you find your half orange
May you be happier than ever

Pablo Calero, Luis Choi, Jesús Gómez and Ana de Vega

May you pass all the exams at school,
May you get good marks
and may you get all the things
you never had.

Marina Gómez and Dámaso Almendros

May the stars join together
in the big blue sky
May you find good luck
on this beautiful night.

Cristina Carrasco

May you spend half an hour
enjoying football
before you break your leg.

Raúl García-Alcalá

May the horse run along the meadow
and may the wind be at his back.
May the horse win the competition
and may you gallop on his horseback.

Elena García-Serrano

May the blue sky smile at you
and may the bad days go away.
May you find a four-leaf clover
and may your problems go away.

Elena García-Serrano and Javier Portillo


It's springtime and we have changed the backgrounds accordingly....Just enjoy warmer weather and make most of these spring longer days!

Monday 14 March 2011

Happy Pi Day!!!

Today is March 14, and this is the date chosen by the physicist Larry Shaw to celebrate Pi Day. Why today? Well, the answer should be clear if you pay attention in class: Does 3, 14 ring you a bell? (In English, date format is 3/14 (month, day); March 14 is also the day when Einstein was born)
If you want to learn more about Pi, click here and about the History of Pi and the History of Pi Day and other interesting links, click here.

Trekkies can enjoy a short lesson on Pi number by Mr Spock by clicking below

and those of you who like studying while listening to music, make a choice between rap or pop. If you can't make up your mind, try both!

Pi rap

Pi song

Tuesday 8 March 2011


"Equal access to education, training and science and technology: Pathway to decent work for women" is the official theme for International Women's Day 2011. Click here for more information and browse the United Nations website to get a deeper insight in the world around you.

Then, click here and read about women who made a difference in their very different lives....Read about Amelia Earhart, Georgia O'Keefe, Ellen Ochoa, Wilma Rudolph and many others. Any comment?

Friday 4 March 2011


If you were an island, which one would you like to be? Well, the character played by Hugh Grant in About a boy, the film based on Nick Hornby's novel, has no doubts at the beginning of the story: He’d like to be Ibiza. However, as John Donne stated in his Meditation XVII, “every man is a piece of the continent”, and this is what both Literature and Life show us: we are all involved with each other. Since no human being is isolated, what affects any single man or woman miles away from you, does affect you. Next time you watch the news, think about this.

'No Man is an Island'

No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as any manner of thy friends or of thine own were; any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind. And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

John Donne, Meditation XVII
If you are still interested in islands, do you know that the British Isles are made up of quite a few islands? Click on the links below and learn about them!